Welcome to mbtest's documentation ================================= Opinionated Python wrapper & utils for the `Mountebank`_ over the wire test double tool. Includes `pytest`_ fixture and `PyHamcrest`_ matchers. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Guide API Installation ------------ Install from `Pypi `_ as usual, using pip , `tox`_, or ``setup.py``. Also requires `Mountebank`_ to have been installed:: $ npm install mountebank@2.6 --production Usage ----- A basic example: .. code:: python import requests from hamcrest import assert_that from brunns.matchers.response import is_response from mbtest.matchers import had_request from mbtest.imposters import Imposter, Predicate, Response, Stub def test_request_to_mock_server(mock_server): # Set up mock server with required behavior imposter = Imposter(Stub(Predicate(path="/test"), Response(body="sausages"))) with mock_server(imposter): # Make request to mock server - exercise code under test here response = requests.get(f"{imposter.url}/test") assert_that("We got the expected response", response, is_response().with_status_code(200).and_body("sausages")) assert_that("The mock server recorded the request", imposter, had_request().with_path("/test").and_method("GET")) Needs a `pytest fixture`_, most easily defined in `conftest.py`_: .. code:: python import pytest from mbtest import server @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def mock_server(request): return server.mock_server(request) .. _Mountebank: http://www.mbtest.org/ .. _pytest: https://pytest.org .. _PyHamcrest: https://pyhamcrest.readthedocs.io .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io .. _pytest fixture: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html .. _conftest.py: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html#conftest-py-sharing-fixture-functions Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`