Source code for mbtest.imposters.imposters

# encoding=utf-8
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import abc
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import requests
from furl import furl

from mbtest.imposters.base import JsonSerializable, JsonStructure
from mbtest.imposters.responses import HttpResponse, Proxy
from mbtest.imposters.stubs import AddStub, Stub

[docs]class Imposter(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank imposter <>`_. Think of an imposter as a mock website, running a protocol, on a specific port. Required behaviors are specified using stubs. :param stubs: One or more Stubs. :param port: Port. :param protocol: Protocol to run on. :param name: Imposter name - useful for interactive exploration of imposters on http://localhost:2525/imposters :param default_response: The default response to send if no predicate matches. :param record_requests: Record requests made against this imposter, so they can be asserted against later. :param mutual_auth: Server will request a client certificate. :param key: SSL server certificate. :param cert: SSL server certificate. """
[docs] class Protocol(Enum): """Imposter `Protocol <>`_.""" HTTP = "http" HTTPS = "https" SMTP = "smtp" TCP = "tcp"
def __init__( self, stubs: Union[Stub, Iterable[Stub]], port: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Protocol = Protocol.HTTP, name: Optional[str] = None, default_response: Optional[HttpResponse] = None, record_requests: bool = True, mutual_auth: bool = False, key: Optional[str] = None, cert: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: stubs = cast(Iterable[Stub], stubs if isinstance(stubs, abc.Sequence) else [stubs]) # For backwards compatibility where previously a proxy may have been used directly as a stub. self.stubs = [ Stub(responses=cast(Proxy, stub)) if isinstance(stub, Proxy) else stub for stub in stubs ] self.port = port self.protocol = ( protocol if isinstance(protocol, Imposter.Protocol) else Imposter.Protocol(protocol) ) = name self.default_response = default_response self.record_requests = record_requests Optional[str] = None self.server_url: Optional[furl] = None self.mutual_auth = mutual_auth self.key = key self.cert = cert @property def url(self) -> furl: return furl().set(scheme=self.protocol.value,, port=self.port)
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: structure = {"protocol": self.protocol.value, "recordRequests": self.record_requests} self.add_if_true(structure, "port", self.port) self.add_if_true(structure, "name", if self.default_response: structure["defaultResponse"] = self.default_response.as_structure() self.add_if_true(structure, "stubs", [stub.as_structure() for stub in self.stubs]) self.add_if_true(structure, "mutualAuth", self.mutual_auth) self.add_if_true(structure, "key", self.key) self.add_if_true(structure, "cert", self.cert) return structure
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "Imposter": imposter = cls([Stub.from_structure(stub) for stub in structure["stubs"]]) imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "port", "port") imposter.protocol = cls.Protocol(structure["protocol"]) imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "name", "name") if "defaultResponse" in structure: imposter.default_response = HttpResponse.from_structure(structure["defaultResponse"]) imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "recordRequests", "record_requests") imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "mutualAuth", "mutual_auth") imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "key", "key") imposter.set_if_in_dict(structure, "cert", "cert") return imposter
[docs] def get_actual_requests(self) -> Sequence["Request"]: json = requests.get(cast(str, self.configuration_url)).json()["requests"] return [Request.from_json(req) for req in json]
[docs] def attach(self, host: str, port: int, server_url: furl) -> None: """Attach imposter to a running MB server.""" = host self.port = port self.server_url = server_url
@property def attached(self) -> bool: """Imposter is attached to a running MB server.""" return cast(bool, self.port and and self.server_url) @property def configuration_url(self) -> furl: if self.attached: return cast(furl, self.server_url) / str(self.port) else: raise AttributeError(f"Unattached imposter {self} has no configuration URL.")
[docs] def query_all_stubs(self) -> List[Stub]: """Return all stubs running on the impostor, including those defined elsewhere.""" json = requests.get(cast(str, self.configuration_url)).json()["stubs"] all_stubs = [Stub.from_structure(s) for s in json] return all_stubs
[docs] def playback(self) -> List[Stub]: all_stubs = self.query_all_stubs() return [s for s in all_stubs if any(not isinstance(r, Proxy) for r in s.responses)]
[docs] def add_stubs( self, definition: Union[Stub, Iterable[Stub]], index: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Add one or more stubs to a running impostor.""" if isinstance(definition, abc.Iterable): for stub in definition: self.add_stubs(stub) else: self.add_stub(definition, index)
[docs] def add_stub(self, definition: Stub, index: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """Add a stub to a running impostor. Returns index of new stub.""" json = AddStub(stub=definition, index=index).as_structure() post ="{self.configuration_url}/stubs", json=json, timeout=10) post.raise_for_status() self.stubs.append(definition) # TODO - what if we've not added to the end? return index or len(post.json()["stubs"]) - 1
[docs] def delete_stub(self, index: int) -> Stub: """Remove a stub from a running impostor.""" post = requests.delete(f"{self.configuration_url}/stubs/{index}", timeout=10) post.raise_for_status() return self.stubs.pop(index)
[docs] def update_stub(self, index: int, definition: Stub) -> int: """Change a stub in an existing imposter. Returns index of changed stub.""" json = definition.as_structure() put = requests.put(f"{self.configuration_url}/stubs/{index}", json=json, timeout=10) put.raise_for_status() return index
[docs]class Request(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json: JsonStructure) -> "Request": if "envelopeFrom" in json: return SentEmail.from_json(json) return HttpRequest.from_json(json)
def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover state = ", ".join((f"{attr:s}={val!r:s}" for (attr, val) in vars(self).items())) return f"{self.__class__.__module__:s}.{self.__class__.__name__:s}({state:s})"
[docs]class HttpRequest(Request): def __init__( self, method: str, path: str, query: Mapping[str, str], headers: Mapping[str, str], body: str, **kwargs, ): self.method = method self.path = path self.query = query self.headers = headers self.body = body
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json: JsonStructure) -> "HttpRequest": return HttpRequest(**json)
Address = NamedTuple("Address", [("address", str), ("name", str)])
[docs]class SentEmail(Request): def __init__( self, from_: Sequence[Address], to: Sequence[Address], cc: Sequence[Address], bcc: Sequence[Address], subject: str, text: str, **kwargs, ): self.from_ = from_ = to = cc self.bcc = bcc self.subject = subject self.text = text
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json: JsonStructure) -> "SentEmail": email: Mapping[str, Union[str, Sequence[Address]]] = { SentEmail._map_key(k): SentEmail._translate_value(v) for k, v in json.items() } sent_email = SentEmail(**email) # type: ignore return sent_email
@staticmethod def _map_key(key: str) -> str: return {"from": "from_"}.get(key, key) @staticmethod def _translate_value(value: JsonStructure) -> Union[str, Sequence[Address]]: if isinstance(value, str): return value elif "address" in value and "name" in value: return [Address(**value)] return [Address(**addr) if "address" in addr and "name" in addr else addr for addr in value]
[docs]def smtp_imposter(name="smtp", record_requests=True) -> Imposter: """Canned SMTP server imposter.""" return Imposter( [], 5525, protocol=Imposter.Protocol.SMTP, name=name, record_requests=record_requests )