Source code for mbtest.imposters.imposters

# encoding=utf-8
import as abc
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union, cast

from furl import furl
from mbtest.imposters.base import JsonSerializable, JsonStructure
from mbtest.imposters.stubs import Proxy, Stub

[docs]class Imposter(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank imposter <>`_. Think of an imposter as a mock website, running a protocol, on a specific port. Required behaviors are specified using stubs. :param stubs: One or more Stubs. :param port: Port. :param protocol: Protocol to run on. :param name: Impostor name - useful for interactive exploration of impostors on http://localhost:2525/impostors :param record_requests: Record requests made against this impostor, so they can be asserted against later. """
[docs] class Protocol(Enum): """Imposter `Protocol <>`_.""" HTTP = "http" HTTPS = "https" SMTP = "smtp" TCP = "tcp"
def __init__( self, stubs: Union[Stub, Proxy, Iterable[Union[Stub, Proxy]]], port: Optional[int] = None, protocol: Protocol = Protocol.HTTP, name: Optional[str] = None, record_requests: bool = True, ) -> None: stubs = cast( Iterable[Union[Stub, Proxy]], stubs if isinstance(stubs, abc.Sequence) else [stubs] ) # For backwards compatibility where previously a proxy may have been used directly as a stub. self.stubs = [Stub(responses=stub) if isinstance(stub, Proxy) else stub for stub in stubs] self.port = port self.protocol = ( protocol if isinstance(protocol, Imposter.Protocol) else Imposter.Protocol(protocol) ) = name self.record_requests = record_requests @property def host(self) -> str: return "localhost" @property def url(self) -> furl: return furl().set(scheme=self.protocol.value,, port=self.port)
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: structure = {"protocol": self.protocol.value, "recordRequests": self.record_requests} if self.port: structure["port"] = self.port if structure["name"] = if self.stubs: structure["stubs"] = [stub.as_structure() for stub in self.stubs] return structure
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structure(structure: JsonStructure) -> "Imposter": imposter = Imposter([Stub.from_structure(stub) for stub in structure["stubs"]]) if "port" in structure: imposter.port = structure["port"] if "protocol" in structure: protocol = structure["protocol"] imposter.protocol = ( protocol if isinstance(protocol, Imposter.Protocol) else Imposter.Protocol(protocol) ) if "recordRequests" in structure: imposter.record_requests = structure["recordRequests"] if "name" in structure: = structure["name"] return imposter
[docs]def smtp_imposter(name="smtp", record_requests=True) -> Imposter: """Canned SMTP server impostor.""" return Imposter( [], 4525, protocol=Imposter.Protocol.SMTP, name=name, record_requests=record_requests )