Source code for mbtest.imposters.stubs

# encoding=utf-8
from import Sequence
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

from furl import furl
from mbtest.imposters.base import JsonSerializable, JsonStructure
from mbtest.imposters.predicates import Predicate
from mbtest.imposters.responses import Response

[docs]class Stub(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank stub <>`_. Think of a stub as a behavior, triggered by a matching predicate. :param predicates: Trigger this stub if one of these predicates matches the request :param responses: Use these response behaviors (in order) """ def __init__( self, predicates: Optional[Union[Predicate, Iterable[Predicate]]] = None, responses: Optional[Union[Response, "Proxy", Iterable[Union[Response, "Proxy"]]]] = None, ) -> None: if predicates: self.predicates = predicates if isinstance(predicates, Sequence) else [predicates] else: self.predicates = [Predicate()] if responses: self.responses = responses if isinstance(responses, Sequence) else [responses] else: self.responses = [Response()]
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: return { "predicates": [predicate.as_structure() for predicate in self.predicates], "responses": [response.as_structure() for response in self.responses], }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structure(structure: JsonStructure) -> "Stub": responses = [] # type: List[Union[Proxy, Response]] for response in structure.get("responses", ()): if "proxy" in response: responses.append(Proxy.from_structure(response)) else: responses.append(Response.from_structure(response)) return Stub( [Predicate.from_structure(predicate) for predicate in structure.get("predicates", ())], responses, )
[docs]class Proxy(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank proxy <>`_. :param to: The origin server, to which the request should proxy. """
[docs] class Mode(Enum): """Defines the replay behavior of the proxy.""" ONCE = "proxyOnce" ALWAYS = "proxyAlways" TRANSPARENT = "proxyTransparent"
def __init__( self, to: Union[furl, str], wait: Optional[int] = None, inject_headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, mode: "Proxy.Mode" = Mode.ALWAYS, ) -> None: = to self.wait = wait self.inject_headers = inject_headers self.mode = mode
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: proxy = { "to": if isinstance(, furl) else, "mode": self.mode.value, } self._add_if_true(proxy, "injectHeaders", self.inject_headers) response = {"proxy": proxy} if self.wait: response["_behaviors"] = {"wait": self.wait} return response
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structure(structure: JsonStructure) -> "Proxy": proxy_structure = structure["proxy"] proxy = Proxy( to=furl(proxy_structure["to"]), inject_headers=proxy_structure["injectHeaders"] if "injectHeaders" in proxy_structure else None, mode=Proxy.Mode(proxy_structure["mode"]), ) wait = structure.get("_behaviors", {}).get("wait") if wait: proxy.wait = wait return proxy