Source code for mbtest.imposters.stubs

# encoding=utf-8
from import Sequence
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union

from mbtest.imposters.base import JsonSerializable, JsonStructure
from mbtest.imposters.predicates import BasePredicate, Predicate
from mbtest.imposters.responses import BaseResponse, Proxy, Response

[docs]class Stub(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank stub <>`_. Think of a stub as a behavior, triggered by a matching predicate. :param predicates: Trigger this stub if one of these predicates matches the request :param responses: Use these response behaviors (in order) """ def __init__( self, predicates: Optional[Union[BasePredicate, Iterable[BasePredicate]]] = None, responses: Optional[Union[BaseResponse, Iterable[BaseResponse]]] = None, ) -> None: if predicates: self.predicates = predicates if isinstance(predicates, Sequence) else [predicates] else: self.predicates = [Predicate()] if responses: self.responses = responses if isinstance(responses, Sequence) else [responses] else: self.responses = [Response()]
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: return { "predicates": [predicate.as_structure() for predicate in self.predicates], "responses": [response.as_structure() for response in self.responses], }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_structure(structure: JsonStructure) -> "Stub": responses = [] # type: List[Union[Proxy, Response]] for response in structure.get("responses", ()): if "proxy" in response: responses.append(Proxy.from_structure(response)) else: responses.append(Response.from_structure(response)) return Stub( [Predicate.from_structure(predicate) for predicate in structure.get("predicates", ())], responses, )