Source code for mbtest.server

# encoding=utf-8
import logging
import platform
import subprocess  # nosec
import time
from collections import abc
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, MutableSequence, Sequence, Set, Union

import requests
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest  # type: ignore
from furl import furl
from requests import RequestException

from mbtest.imposters import Imposter
from mbtest.imposters.imposters import Request

    Path("node_modules") / ".bin" / ("mb.cmd" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "mb")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mock_server( request: FixtureRequest, executable: Union[str, Path] = DEFAULT_MB_EXECUTABLE, port: int = 2525, timeout: int = 5, debug: bool = True, allow_injection: bool = True, local_only: bool = True, data_dir: Union[str, None] = ".mbdb", ) -> "ExecutingMountebankServer": """`Pytest fixture <>`_, making available a mock server, running one or more imposters, one for each domain being mocked. Use in a pytest fixture as follows:: @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def mock_server(request): return server.mock_server(request) Test will look like:: def test_an_imposter(mock_server): imposter = Imposter(Stub(Predicate(path='/test'), Response(body='sausages')), record_requests=True) with mock_server(imposter) as s: r = requests.get(f"{imposter.url}/test") assert_that(r, is_response().with_status_code(200).and_body("sausages")) assert_that(s, had_request(path='/test', method="GET")) :param request: Request for a fixture from a test or fixture function. :param executable: Alternate location for the Mountebank executable. :param port: Server port. :param timeout: specifies how long to wait for the Mountebank server to start. :param debug: Start the server in debug mode, which records all requests. This needs to be `True` for the :py:func:`mbtest.matchers.had_request` matcher to work. :param allow_injection: Allow JavaScript injection. If `True`, `local_only` should also be `True`,as per `Mountebank security <>`_. :param local_only: Accept request only from localhost. :param data_dir: Persist all operations to disk, in this directory. :returns: Mock server. """ server = ExecutingMountebankServer( executable=executable, port=port, timeout=timeout, debug=debug, allow_injection=allow_injection, local_only=local_only, data_dir=data_dir, ) def close(): server.close() request.addfinalizer(close) return server
[docs]class MountebankServer: """Allow addition of imposters to an already running Mountebank mock server. Test will look like:: def test_an_imposter(mock_server): mb = MountebankServer(1234) imposter = Imposter(Stub(Predicate(path='/test'), Response(body='sausages')), record_requests=True) with mb(imposter): r = requests.get(f"{imposter.url}/test") assert_that(r, is_response().with_status_code(200).and_body("sausages")) assert_that(imposter, had_request(path='/test', method="GET")) Imposters will be torn down when the `with` block is exited. :param port: Server port. :param scheme: Server scheme, if not `http`. :param host: Server host, if not `localhost`. :param imposters_path: Imposters path, if not `imposters`. """ def __init__( self, port: int, scheme: str = "http", host: str = "localhost", imposters_path: str = "imposters", ): self.server_port = port = host self.scheme = scheme self.imposters_path = imposters_path self._running_imposters: MutableSequence[Imposter] = [] def __call__(self, imposters: Sequence[Imposter]) -> "MountebankServer": self.imposters = imposters return self def __enter__(self) -> "MountebankServer": self.add_imposters(self.imposters) return self def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback) -> None: self.delete_imposters()
[docs] def add_imposters(self, definition: Union[Imposter, Iterable[Imposter]]) -> None: """Add imposters to Mountebank server. :param definition: One or more Imposters. :type definition: Imposter or list(Imposter) """ if isinstance(definition, abc.Iterable): for imposter in definition: self.add_imposters(imposter) else: json = definition.as_structure() post =, json=json, timeout=10) post.raise_for_status() definition.attach(, post.json()["port"], self.server_url) self._running_imposters.append(definition)
[docs] def delete_imposters(self) -> None: while self._running_imposters: imposter = self._running_imposters.pop() requests.delete(imposter.configuration_url).raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_actual_requests(self) -> Iterable[Request]: for imposter in self._running_imposters: yield from imposter.get_actual_requests()
@property def server_url(self) -> furl: return furl().set( scheme=self.scheme,, port=self.server_port, path=self.imposters_path )
[docs] def query_all_imposters(self) -> Iterator[Imposter]: """Yield all imposters running on the server, including those defined elsewhere.""" server_info = requests.get(self.server_url) imposters = server_info.json()["imposters"] for imposter in imposters: yield Imposter.from_structure(requests.get(imposter["_links"]["self"]["href"]).json())
[docs]class ExecutingMountebankServer(MountebankServer): """A Mountebank mock server, running one or more imposters, one for each domain being mocked. Test will look like:: def test_an_imposter(mock_server): mb = ExecutingMountebankServer() imposter = Imposter(Stub(Predicate(path='/test'), Response(body='sausages')), record_requests=True) with mb(imposter) as s: r = requests.get(f"{imposter.url}/test") assert_that(r, is_response().with_status_code(200).and_body("sausages")) assert_that(s, had_request(path='/test', method="GET")) mb.close() The mountebank server will be started when this class is instantiated, and needs to be closed if it's not to be left running. Consider using the :meth:`mock_server` pytest fixture, which will take care of this for you. :param executable: Optional, alternate location for the Mountebank executable. :param port: Server port. :param timeout: How long to wait for the Mountebank server to start. :param debug: Start the server in debug mode, which records all requests. This needs to be `True` for the :py:func:`mbtest.matchers.had_request` matcher to work. :param allow_injection: Allow JavaScript injection. If `True`, `local_only` should also be `True`,as per `Mountebank security <>`_. :param local_only: Accept request only from localhost. :param data_dir: Persist all operations to disk, in this directory. """ running: Set[int] = set() start_lock = Lock() def __init__( self, executable: Union[str, Path] = DEFAULT_MB_EXECUTABLE, port: int = 2525, timeout: int = 5, debug: bool = True, allow_injection: bool = True, local_only: bool = True, data_dir: Union[str, None] = ".mbdb", ) -> None: super().__init__(port) with self.start_lock: if self.server_port in self.running: raise MountebankPortInUseException(f"Already running on port {self.server_port}.") try: options = self._build_options(port, debug, allow_injection, local_only, data_dir) self.mb_process = subprocess.Popen([executable] + options) # nosec self._await_start(timeout) self.running.add(port) "Spawned mb process %s on port %s.",, self.server_port ) except OSError: logger.error( "Failed to spawn mb process with executable at %s. Have you installed Mountebank?", executable, ) raise @staticmethod def _build_options( port: int, debug: bool, allow_injection: bool, local_only: bool, data_dir: Union[str, None] ): options: List[str] = ["start", "--port", str(port)] if debug: options.append("--debug") if allow_injection: options.append("--allowInjection") if local_only: options.append("--localOnly") if data_dir: options += ["--datadir", data_dir] return options def _await_start(self, timeout: int) -> None: start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: try: requests.get(self.server_url, timeout=1).raise_for_status() started = True break except RequestException: started = False time.sleep(0.1) if not started: raise MountebankTimeoutError(f"Mountebank failed to start within {timeout} seconds.") logger.debug("Server started at %s.", self.server_url)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.mb_process.terminate() self.mb_process.wait() self.running.remove(self.server_port) "Terminated mb process %s on port %s status %s.",, self.server_port, self.mb_process.returncode, )
[docs]class MountebankException(Exception): """Exception using Mountebank server."""
[docs]class MountebankPortInUseException(Exception): """Mountebank server failed to start - port already in use."""
[docs]class MountebankTimeoutError(MountebankException): """Mountebank server failed to start in time."""