Source code for mbtest.imposters.responses

# encoding=utf-8
from abc import ABCMeta
from import Sequence
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et  # nosec - We are creating, not parsing XML.

from furl import furl

from mbtest.imposters.base import Injecting, JsonSerializable, JsonStructure
from mbtest.imposters.behaviors import Copy, Lookup
from mbtest.imposters.predicates import Predicate

[docs]class BaseResponse(JsonSerializable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "BaseResponse": if "is" in structure and "_behaviors" in structure: return Response.from_structure(structure) elif "is" in structure and "data" in structure["is"]: return TcpResponse.from_structure(structure) elif "proxy" in structure: return Proxy.from_structure(structure) elif "inject" in structure: return InjectionResponse.from_structure(structure) raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class HttpResponse(JsonSerializable): """Represents a `Mountebank HTTP response <>`_. :param body: Body text for response. Can be a string, or a JSON serialisable data structure. :param status_code: HTTP status code :param headers: Response HTTP headers :param mode: Mode - text or binary """ def __init__( self, body: Union[str, JsonStructure] = "", status_code: Union[int, str] = 200, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, mode: Optional["Response.Mode"] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._body = body self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers self.mode = ( mode if isinstance(mode, Response.Mode) else Response.Mode(mode) if mode else Response.Mode.TEXT ) @property def body(self) -> str: if isinstance(self._body, et.Element): return et.tostring(self._body, encoding="unicode") elif isinstance(self._body, bytes): return self._body.decode("utf-8") return self._body
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: is_structure = {"statusCode": self.status_code, "_mode": self.mode.value} self.add_if_true(is_structure, "body", self.body) self.add_if_true(is_structure, "headers", self.headers) return is_structure
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, inner: JsonStructure) -> "HttpResponse": response = cls() if "body" in inner: response._body = inner["body"] response.mode = Response.Mode(inner["_mode"]) if "headers" in inner: response.headers = inner["headers"] if "statusCode" in inner: response.status_code = inner["statusCode"] return response
[docs]class Response(BaseResponse): """Represents a `Mountebank 'is' response behavior <>`_. :param body: Body text for response. Can be a string, or a JSON serialisable data structure. :param status_code: HTTP status code :param wait: `Add latency, in ms <>`_. :param repeat: `Repeat this many times before moving on to next response <>`_. :param headers: Response HTTP headers :param mode: Mode - text or binary :param copy: Copy behavior :param decorate: `Decorate behavior <>`_. :param lookup: Lookup behavior :param shell_transform: shellTransform behavior :param http_response: HTTP Response Fields - use this **or** the body, status_code, headers and mode fields, not both. """
[docs] class Mode(Enum): TEXT = "text" BINARY = "binary"
def __init__( self, body: Union[str, JsonStructure] = "", status_code: Union[int, str] = 200, wait: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, repeat: Optional[int] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, mode: Optional[Mode] = None, copy: Optional[Copy] = None, decorate: Optional[str] = None, lookup: Optional[Lookup] = None, shell_transform: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, *, http_response: Optional[HttpResponse] = None, ) -> None: self.http_response = ( http_response if http_response else HttpResponse(body=body, status_code=status_code, headers=headers, mode=mode) ) # TODO: Deprecate HttpResponse arguments self.wait = wait self.repeat = repeat self.copy = copy if isinstance(copy, Sequence) else [copy] if copy else None self.decorate = decorate self.lookup = lookup if isinstance(lookup, Sequence) else [lookup] if lookup else None self.shell_transform = shell_transform
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: return { "is": (self.http_response.as_structure()), "_behaviors": self._behaviors_as_structure(), }
def _behaviors_as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: behaviors: JsonStructure = {} self.add_if_true(behaviors, "wait", self.wait) self.add_if_true(behaviors, "repeat", self.repeat) self.add_if_true(behaviors, "decorate", self.decorate) self.add_if_true(behaviors, "shellTransform", self.shell_transform) if self.copy: behaviors["copy"] = [c.as_structure() for c in self.copy] if self.lookup: behaviors["lookup"] = [lookup.as_structure() for lookup in self.lookup] return behaviors
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "Response": response = cls() response.http_response = HttpResponse.from_structure(structure["is"]) behaviors = structure.get("_behaviors", {}) response.set_if_in_dict(behaviors, "wait", "wait") response.set_if_in_dict(behaviors, "repeat", "repeat") response.set_if_in_dict(behaviors, "decorate", "decorate") response.set_if_in_dict(behaviors, "shellTransform", "shell_transform") if "copy" in behaviors: response.copy = [Copy.from_structure(c) for c in behaviors["copy"]] if "lookup" in behaviors: response.lookup = [Lookup.from_structure(lookup) for lookup in behaviors["lookup"]] return response
@property def body(self): return self.http_response.body @property def status_code(self): return self.http_response.status_code @property def headers(self): return self.http_response.headers @property def mode(self): return self.http_response.mode
[docs]class TcpResponse(BaseResponse): def __init__(self, data: str) -> None: = data
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: return {"is": {"data":}}
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "TcpResponse": return cls(data=structure["is"]["data"])
[docs]class Proxy(BaseResponse): """Represents a `Mountebank proxy <>`_. :param to: The origin server, to which the request should proxy. """
[docs] class Mode(Enum): """Defines the replay behavior of the proxy.""" ONCE = "proxyOnce" ALWAYS = "proxyAlways" TRANSPARENT = "proxyTransparent"
def __init__( self, to: Union[furl, str], wait: Optional[int] = None, inject_headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, mode: "Proxy.Mode" = Mode.ONCE, predicate_generators: Optional[Iterable["PredicateGenerator"]] = None, ) -> None: = to self.wait = wait self.inject_headers = inject_headers self.mode = mode self.predicate_generators = predicate_generators if predicate_generators is not None else []
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: proxy = { "to": if isinstance(, furl) else, "mode": self.mode.value, } self.add_if_true(proxy, "injectHeaders", self.inject_headers) self.add_if_true( proxy, "predicateGenerators", [pg.as_structure() for pg in self.predicate_generators] ) response = {"proxy": proxy} if self.wait: response["_behaviors"] = {"wait": self.wait} return response
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "Proxy": proxy_structure = structure["proxy"] proxy = cls( to=furl(proxy_structure["to"]), inject_headers=proxy_structure["injectHeaders"] if "injectHeaders" in proxy_structure else None, mode=Proxy.Mode(proxy_structure["mode"]), predicate_generators=[ PredicateGenerator.from_structure(pg) for pg in proxy_structure["predicateGenerators"] ] if "predicateGenerators" in proxy_structure else None, ) wait = structure.get("_behaviors", {}).get("wait") if wait: proxy.wait = wait return proxy
[docs]class PredicateGenerator(JsonSerializable): def __init__( self, path: bool = False, query: Union[bool, Mapping[str, str]] = False, operator: Predicate.Operator = Predicate.Operator.EQUALS, case_sensitive: bool = True, ): self.path = path self.query = query self.operator = operator self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive
[docs] def as_structure(self) -> JsonStructure: matches: MutableMapping[str, str] = {} self.add_if_true(matches, "path", self.path) self.add_if_true(matches, "query", self.query) predicate = {"caseSensitive": self.case_sensitive, "matches": matches} return predicate
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "PredicateGenerator": path = structure["matches"].get("path", None) query = structure["matches"].get("query", None) operator = ( Predicate.Operator[structure["operator"]] if "operator" in structure else Predicate.Operator.EQUALS ) case_sensitive = structure.get("caseSensitive", False) return cls(path=path, query=query, operator=operator, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)
[docs]class InjectionResponse(BaseResponse, Injecting): """Represents a `Mountebank injection response <>`_. Injection requires Mountebank version 2.0 or higher. :param inject: JavaScript function to inject . """
[docs] @classmethod def from_structure(cls, structure: JsonStructure) -> "InjectionResponse": return cls(inject=structure["inject"])