Use with Docker --------------- If you want to use your own mountebank service instance (`Docker`_, for example) you have **no need to use npm** requirements. .. code:: sh docker run -p 2525:2525 -p IMPOSTER_PORT:IMPOSTER_PORT -d bbyars/mountebank You can do like this in your [````]: .. code:: python import pytest from mbtest.server import MountebankServer @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def mock_server(): return MountebankServer(port=2525, host="localhost") Don’t forget to open docker ports for mountebank (default 2525) and for each of its imposters. .. code:: python from mbtest.imposters import Imposter, Predicate, Response, Stub imposter = Imposter( Stub( Predicate(path="/test") & Predicate(query={}) & Predicate(method="GET"), Response(body="sausages") ), record_requests=True, port=IMPOSTER_PORT) with mock_server(imposter) as ms: response = requests.get(f"{imposter.url}/test") # Check your request assert_that(imposter, had_request().with_path("/test").and_method("GET")) If you don’t specify a port for the Imposter it will be allocated randomly. Extra ----- You can combine your Predicates with ``&``\ (and), ``|``\ (or). .. _Docker: